My parents still have dial up! No really they do. Did you even know it still existed?
Highlights of the trip so far:
the flight was ok. I only hope that the gay couple who sat next to us on the way here aren't next to us on the way. They kept looking at my kids like they were going to make them ill
Max has added the words clock, cat and bus to his vocab. Go Max!
Suzanne is pumped up for trick or treating. We went to get a pumpkin in South Jersey, a combined trip with some outlet shopping. We all went away happy.
So bye bye internet connection. SEe you again soon
New Bilingual Book Celebrates Friendship
4 weeks ago
My parents just had dial-up until last year too! I didn't know it even existed anymore. Hope your kids enjoy their time back in the States, especially with Halloween. The French try to copy it..but it's just not the same. Although yesterday I saw a Halloween display at Auchan, complete with candy to give out, but not in fun-sized form. France still has a ways to go for copying our fun, although pointless, holiday. cheers
I hope you're having a fantabulous visit with your family!
If you see this message before Saturday, Nov. 6:
Thanks for your offer to suggest books for my French storytime! What I need most right now are a few titles of books about homes and houses, or rather stories where the home is central to the plot.
If you can think of any (I know you're away from your home library), please add them in the comments here:
And yes, I would love to post an updated profile of your two little ones. I don't think I have a current email for you--could you drop me a note at babybilingual (at) gmail (dot) com, please?
No rush--I've already got a backlog of several profiles that I'll post in November and December.
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