Sunday 29 April 2007

babyfood à la française

Who am I kidding? What American kid eats magret de canard, braised endives and roquefort before the ago of 1? My baby is definitely not the typical American. Then again, what french kid eats sweet potato baked with thyme or curried green peas?

I wanted to get some more ideas for babyfood so I looked at the jars in the supermarket (I tried a couple but thought they tasted so vile, that I decided to make my own food) - here are some of the flavors in the French aisles.

artichaut de bretagne
saumon de norvege et epinards
Sémoule vanille fleur d'oranger
timbales des petits legumes
pâtes italiennes ratatouille veau
hachis parmentier
Parmentiere de haricot verts poulet fermier
Riz du Camargue et dinde

Pretty gourmet, huh? Then I went to the Gerber website to get some ideas and this is what I found. No comment.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I can't believe they have veal baby food!

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