Back in June, Suzanne had her mandatory 4 year old check up. Jerome went with her. He later explained to me that it was a day full of nurses, psychologists and a doctor poking and prodding my daughter. They thought she was really bright and even told Jerome that she needed to be watched because kids like her are so smart that they get along without showing they have a weakness. Which is why it was a good thing they caught her eye problem.
Two weeks later, I took her to the eye doctor. It was almost impossible to get an appointment (you usually have to wait more than 6 months see a eye doctor here!) but since she's so young, they fit her in. And then sort of as payback for getting an appointment so quickly, we had an almost 2 hour wait in the waiting room. At some point, I went to the receptionist and she said, "has he seen you yet? no? that's not normal." Turns out he'd skipped over us. He took us next without even a little teeny tiny sorry. Jerk. I explained to Suzanne that it was very rude to make someone wait like that and not to appologize. What I didn't say is that this is typical in France...
So just before vacation, Suzanne got glasses. She decided that purple was the best color but when she saw this pair, she couldn't resist. I made a difficult decision : it was more important that she loves her glasses than I love them so we got them despite our difference in taste.
Then just before we left on vacation, she had to see the orthoptist just to make sure she didn't need eye ball exercises. After her check up, the orthoptist said she thought everything was fine but needed to see Suzanne after the vacation just to check because she found a slight weakness with her left eye which she checked second so Suzanne was probably tired.
It turns out she's got a slightly lazy eye so the orthoptist prescribed what's called 'occlusion sauvage', une terme barbare. Oh really! So my beautiful little girl is wearing a patch for the next 7 days, all day, every day, every night. And she's not even complaining! What a trooper...
All this to say that my daughter is really truly awesome and that the French health care system really is top notch.
And in honor of Suzanne, here's a little video to enjoy:
New Bilingual Book Celebrates Friendship
3 weeks ago
bless her! Makes me remember my pirate days. I don't remember hating it either, kids just adapt.
I have a serious eye problem that was only diagnosed when I was 19 despite being followed all my youth for other eye problems. It's great that the French system picked up a problem with suzanne, the system here IS great.
security word:lazedly. haha, lazy eyes; lazy security word!
I had to wear a patch too! I was probably about your daughters age when they picked up on my eye problem at an eye testing at my kindergarten. I don't ever remember hating it, I don't think and I think I had it for quite some time. Unfortunately my lazy eye wasn't corrected and I have a very thick lens for my right eye, plus side is I only need one contact lens! I haven't visited the eye Dr in France yet and I'm not sure I'll get a chance to, but it's nice to know that it is so well reimbursed compared to what my parents had to fork out for me over the years.
I really like Suzanne's glasses too!
I always wanted to wear an eye patch but they wouldn't let me... because there was nothing wrong with my eye.
I had a deprived childhood, I did!
All the best
She's gorgeous! I love her glasses.
My big guy has worn glasses since he was 4 months. The little one wants them because the rest of us wear them...
Aw, so cute. I had to wear an eye patch too, and I remember HATING it! I would pull it off whenever I got the chance, so good to see that Suzanne is liking hers :) Very nice glasses and good that they diagnosed it so soon, that is key.
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