Sometimes it feels like the past 4 years have been so very long, like my beloved pre-work run never existed, like going out to dinner with my husband on a regular basis was all a dream, like there was a time before stinking diapers, wet underpants and crushed food all over the kitchen floor...but then, I can't imagine a life without all that (although I'm sure to appreciate it when it's over).
Suzanne turned 4 last week. They say you don't remember the pain of giving birth, which is partially true. To be honest, I have had migraines that are more memorable than the pain associated with bringing Suzanne into the world. And she has grown into a wonderful, happy, and funny princess-loving little girl...

Suzanne on her 4th birthday
I was a tomboy wannabe growing up. My older sister was a tomboy; I was her wannabe. I have no memories of dressing up like princesses or donning fairy wings or pretending to kiss my prince. I remember cutting barbie's hair and putting her in the snow to see if she would freeze. I hated pink and frills (if my sister was around). I remember playing "Star Wars" with O (a boy who shall remain nameless since he is now some arty farty celeb) and maybe kissing him (since he was Luke/Han Solo and I was Leia, obviously) and having him pull my pants down all the time. But princesses? I don't think so...
So Suzanne has categorized her world in terms of royalty. She is a princess; Max is a prince (who she wants to marry at times), Marlow is her amoureux and thus a prince; Louka gave her a "true love kiss" and is thus a prince; Papa is king; Mommy is queen; her girl friends are all princesses unless they aren't her friends anymore. And, one day Suzanne will be queen and therefore must marry Papa. I have yet to break the news to her that it's illegal to do that.
In an effort to distance our household from the Disney princesses (she recognizes the logo!), I asked my Dad for some of my favorite movies from my childhood. I'm sure that other kids growing up in the 80s know them : Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Carousel, The King and I, and of course The Princess Bride.
I never realized how anti-feminist "7B47B" is but it was a great hit with the 4 year old set while Carousel was a little too advanced with Billy being in heaven and then coming back and all. For the last 2 weeks, Suzanne has been walking around whistling "Goin' Courtin'", asking about the Princess Billy (who is actually Milly) and quoting Westley and Buttercup instead of Belle, Cinderella and Snow White. We're making progress...
That's funny your daughter is into princesses and all when you really aren't/weren't. In our house it's the same way: my daughter wants to wear skirts, necklaces, try on shoes, wear matching hats and purses, watch Tinkerbell and talk about how "pretty" all the above things are. And I totally never taught her that - I apparently refused to wear anything but pants and t-shirts after the age of 2 (she's 2.5 now) and always hated pink. My husband and I just kind of look at each other and wonder where she came from...
Peer pressure...!
Before school, Suzanne liked wearing dresses and was happy to dress up in a pretty dress and pretend to be something special. But after only 1 year of school, everything needs to be princesses and pink. I HATE pink!
I have to admit now that I liked it better when she only wanted to wear green and red.
I like your idea of supporting the princess concept with other princesses than the Disney franchise. I really dislike the Disney Princess trend and it is irritating to struggle to find something, ANYTHING, in US stores that isn't Disney Princesses. But other princess stories, that's a good idea.
Annie, Labyrinth, and The Sound of Music were some of my big childhood movies. Lots of singing along!
Don't forget books.
"Princess SmartyPants" rocks! Have your dad send it asap!
And "Princess Horrid" is amazing- though you might wait a year or two on that one, as it's a bit more advanced.
I entered this site by chance, but I found very interesting. A greeting to all the people who visit this page.
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