I must admit that we never actually finished watching Sicko a couple months ago until last night when Jérôme said, "should we just get Sicko over with?" So we did.
I don't have anything else to add about the actual content. I mean, Micheal Moore makes some good points but it's the way he goes about making those points that really gets on my nerves. It's Micheal Moore and he's got an agenda, a point to prove, and he's a pain in the ass and goes for the shock factor. But the real problem with his movies is that, rather than helping the US, he's harming it. What I mean is that he makes us look so bad, that I'm not surprised the French for instance leave his movies saying all Americans are dumb/fat/violent/rich/etc. He's actually creating anti-american sentiment much of the time. Don't get me wrong - he has a point about the government, the health care system, arms, education...
If you want to see a good movie that sends some of the same messages without the anti-Americanism and without the "star" factor, you should watch The End of Suburbia. It gets the same point across without all the Michael Moore-ism.
That's it for today's rant.
New Bilingual Book Celebrates Friendship
1 week ago
I totally agree with your rant. :-)
You have a good point. I felt this movie had a lot of holes and misconceptions. Like how the heck did these Americans arrive on a boat in Cuba and suddenly receive FREE healthcare?!
I will definitely check "The End of Suburbia."
I find Michael Moore's stuff highly entertaining - flawed, yes, that's for sure, but he's not all wrong all the time.
I saw "Farenheit 911" in Paris, and the audience cheered and applauded at the end. Interesting. I saw "The World According to Bush" on the next day, and I actually thought that it was a better documentary.
So what....we should sweet'n up the facts so Americans don't look so bad??? Truth is truth.....ask someone that's been devastated by an illness in this country. Michael Moore's facts have been checked and rechecked.
Ok, I've not seen Sicko nor am I a Michael Moore fan, but --if the ugly shoe fits, Americans have to wear it.
It breaks my heart to say this, but let's just face it--we ARE dumber...fatter...more violent...and richer than most.
American culture and values creates global anti-American sentiment. Moore can't be blamed for that. You don't cause a problem by simply talking about it.
Every film maker has an agenda. (Don't be fooled into thinking otherwise.) Moore is no different. But the problem with healthcare in the US is what it is.......just frighteningly horrible.
First off, I'm not refuting any of his points. As Madame K rightly said, there are reasons Americans are chastised. But I think there are better films that bring home the same point without adding EVEN MORE anti-Americanism,like World According to Bush which , as Elisabeth pointed out, is a better film.
And I do know about US health care, why do you think I'm never moving back?
I still haven't seen Sicko either, but I totally get your point about Michael Moore... He may check his facts in some cases, but I think he may overdo it in the way that he makes most points. And my understanding about Sicko is that he actually went a bit overboard in lauding the French healthcare system, which granted is much better in a lot of ways than the US one, but has its flaws as well. It's far from perfect -- and my fear is that we may not all benefit from what we have in France right now if so many people continue to ABUSE the system and ruin it for the others.
I think I'll eventually see the movie, but I try to keep a certain distance there -- I agree that the last thing we need is to propagate more anti-Americanism, even if facts are facts...
BTW, Happy Belated New Year, Reb! I got back from the U.S. last week and I'm just now trying to catch up on all my favorite blogs! All the best in 2008.
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