I'm sad to report that Suzanne is no longer saying more or s'more. She's replaced one of her staple English words with, gasp, the French encore. I have the same panicky feeling I had when she decided to say ça instead of that. I know it means little, or does it?, since she's still using many English words, understands everything, and has new words every day.
I am very consistent with her, never speaking directly to her in French and always repeating the English word when she says something in French, coaxing the English word out of her, and telling her that "Papa says...but Mommy says..."
She really seems to understand that there are two words for many things like hug which she sometimes says in French (câlin) and sometimes in English. On the other hand, there are many things she only says in French (pain, dodo, poisson...) or only in English (pretty, book, nose, knee, milk...) I'm beginning to wonder if she's choosing the easiest word...
And her question asking is most definitely French - at this point, we are hearing a lot of what sounds like "quic'estça?" which we think means who is that (but she also uses for objects).
Just to show how much she understands and how damn cute she is, here's a video for your viewing pleasure. It sounds like she's singing something but she's actually saying "himeny" which is "Hi Melie", my older sister:
New Bilingual Book Celebrates Friendship
4 weeks ago
Aww, that was too cute! I especially love the "tushie" part!
That....was... SOOOOOOO frickin cute!
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